No. 132 is a four-story greystone rowhouse in Neo-Renaissance style. After spending proper time getting to know the house, anyone would realize that this standout has love story potential.
The attractive limestone facade is subdued with classical ornamentation and applied detail and contrasts nicely with round arched and square headed windows and double leaf doors. The entrance surrounding is made up of a fully sandstone structure and a simple period-inspired ornamental cornice. Splayed window lintels add delicate formality and embellishments. The aesthetics of the steel push-out style casement windows and doors are terrific. When the exterior design is revealed, it is especially bewitching due to the combination of mixed metal and stone paved finishes. Each floor of this residence is redone and ready. Enlivened with original detail is a match made with contemporary reconstruction that presents a wonderful opportunity to live, love, thrive, and discover in the heart of the Central Harlem District.
This two-unit building with adaptable floor plans and separable entrances, features a warm and inviting triplex and a charming and chic garden duplex that spans five floors, has lofty ceilings, exposed brick, paneled walls, central heating, and cooling systems, and over 4,200 square feet of habitable interior space. There are five bedrooms and two sitting rooms consisting of an open parlor, and a ground-level salon. There are also two other flexible spaces. Both kitchens are excellent and showcase the best quality white and grey vein quartz and marble countertops, storage, and impressive appliances. There are five and a half restrooms that display marble and porcelain tiling, baths, water closets, double sinks and vanities, lovely fixtures, and a particularly nice top floor aperture. The adoration builds as you notice fine millwork, bygone features, and recessed lighting on every level. Most notable are the gorgeous solid oak dark chestnut flooring, as well as the crowning centerpiece skylight. The number of closets throughout the house is fantastic, as is the lovely double exposure that allows for interesting highlights and shadow dancing throughout the home. The lowest level of the home is a multifunctional recreation space that is a comfortable and surprising place of its own. An adaptable floor that can be accessed directly from the Garden Unit, as well as from the entrance below the rear yard, which also houses the building's utility storage room. Across the parlor, off the kitchen, a stylish wall of metal and glass opens onto a divine terrace. Decked in wood and framed in wrought iron, overlooking the verdant yards. There are a substantial amount of exterior retreats, as well as a dreamy rooftop where the possibilities are probable. With a significant amount of FAR (nearly 1700 square feet) to add to its measure, it may become even more of a centerpiece for any Manhattan descendant. The cherry blossomed and willow weeping tree lined block spot is lively and convenient. On any day, when you turn the corner, you will be enlivened and guided down picturesque streets and bustling corridors that are alive and inspiring.
This incredibly convenient heart of Harlem community is within minutes away from all the best of what New York City has to offer and is well located for fast and easy bridge, tunnel, and highway access in and out of Manhattan. The same is true of metro north and public transportation. 135th Street 2, 3, B and C local and express trains and buses can be caught at your corners. Your sought-after and essential amenities are all located one or two blocks away. In terms of various cuisines and spirits, whether it's a top-notch restaurant or a casual groove-style meetup, this popular neighborhood has covered everything. Enjoying recreation in this vibrant and exhilarating district is made easy by having six magnificent city parks as your extended backyards.
By exploring one of New York City's most iconic, historic, and culturally thriving and bustling communities, you can find the key to Harlem's secret treasure chests, in essence, home. Nowadays, these historic houses represent some of New York's most sought-after real estate. Either as it is or with the additional FAR, this house's excellent proportions and design make it a top choice among others.
This is a wonderful ready to occupy investment that operates as a set for delightful living and loving, comfortable entertaining, and simultaneously as a respite that will bring about moments of peaceful contentment and daily serenity - even as you live in one of the world's most exciting and on-the-go towns. The appeal and fine style of this house will ensure its inclusion on the shortlist.
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